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Need to Know: Home Warranty Edition

February 10th marks National Home Warranty Day, and we’re here to talk about the advantages of having a home warranty plan, and why you should have homeowner’s insurance as well. In this day and age, our homes are filled with all kinds of exciting gizmos and gadgets that make our lives easier. Our appliances, and […]

There is Insurance for your Classic Car

Are you into the idea of letting your hair flow in the wind while cruising down the interstate in your classic Mustang? Hey, it’s technically social distancing and a COVID-approved activity, so we’ll run with it. Classic cars are becoming more and more popular to collect as many Americans are finding themselves with a bit […]

Two Places to Dine in San Antonio During Culinaria Restaurant Week

WARNING: Do not read this post while you’re hungry or you will be knocking down the doors of several local San Antonio restaurants participating in Culinaria’s Restaurant Week. Not familiar with the event? Culinaria, a non-profit organization that promotes San Antonio’s food and wine culture, hosts their famous Restaurant Week, but for a number of […]

How to Meal Prep 101: A Beginners Guide

We’re a month into the new year, so health goals are hopefully still going strong, but if you’re like us, you may have already fallen off the wagon a bit. Meal prepping is pretty straightforward: just make some healthy meals ahead of time and package them into convenient little boxes, right? Well, just like with […]

The HERO Program: TXDOT’s Safety Program

The motorists of the San Antonio area can rest assured knowing that the roads are a bit safer than before, thanks to the Texas Department of Transportation HERO Program, funded through a collaboration of the department and Bexar County, the City of San Antonio, and the Alamo Area Metropolitan Planning Organization. The HERO Program stands […]

Why you should purchase Travel Insurance

The hustle and bustle of the holidays are over, and bank accounts are slowly recovering from all the holiday shopping that happened these past few months. The second Tuesday of January marks National Shop for Travel Day, and we hope you had the chance to partake in purchasing some future trips. The world is suffering […]

Tips and Tricks for setting up a Home Gym

It’s time to pump it up! 2021 is here and you’ve made some health-related goals that it’s time to stick to. Joining a gym is possible, but difficult, because of COVID-19 restrictions that are still in place. Even though the vaccine has been released and many San Antonians are beginning to take part in them, […]

SOGO’s High Hopes for 2021

After the difficult year, the whole world just experienced, you can guess that we really mean it when we say, “Happy New Year, SOGO Family!” We are relieved that 2020 is officially in the books, and are feeling positive about all that is to come in 2021. We began last year with really no way […]

It’s Never Too Late to Give the Best Christmas Gifts

It’s two days until Christmas Day, so we’re sure you’re all set and have every last gift perfectly wrapped and under the tree, right? Just kidding. If you’re anything like us, you’ve got a crumpled Post-it note with loved one’s names scribbled down. It’s the last minute to shop, but we’ve got you covered with […]

A New Year means a New Healthy Life

Alright, friends. Tamale time is officially over! The new year is approaching and we plan to put the holiday snacks behind us. Goodbye cheesecake, goodbye peppermint bark, goodbye sugary alcoholic cocktails. We sure will miss you! Every year, hundreds of thousands of Americans make a commitment to start off the new year healthy. Gym membership […]