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Safer Summer Getaway Activities

School is out, which means it’s officially summertime! It’s the season to get out and explore, but COVID-19 has made vacations a little bit tricky. Experts are saying our options are definitely limited, but not all hope is lost. You may not be able to hop on a plane easily and head to a crowded but popular […]

Protect your Home you’re stuck in with Home Insurance

Everyone around the world has, like it or not, been spending an inordinate amount of time at home during the COVID-19 outbreak, because of government mandates, or just plain old concern. Being behind the four walls of our homes has many Americans evaluating their physical space, and ways to protect that space. According to Google, the search […]

Cyber Liability Insurance for a Digital World

When there’s bad news and good news, it’s better to get the bad news first. The bad news: COVID-19 has likely slowed down physical traffic into your business. The good news: Hopefully, this also means the digital traffic to your business has increased. Ideally, you’re receiving leads, getting more and more website visitors, and perhaps […]

Prepare your business for Texas Re-Opening Phases with this Checklist

As a Texas business owner, you’re treading unknown waters when it comes to the “standard” protocol for reopening a business during a national pandemic. SOGO is here to help you practice safe ways to reopen your business while maintaining the safety guidelines that protect your employees and your patrons.  Meet with your HR First and […]

Why Choosing An Independent Insurance Agent Works In Your Favor

Whether you’ve been our client for one day, or one decade, you know SOGO is serious about customer service. Since 2010, we’ve operated as a family-owned, independent insurance agency serving the San Antonio and Austin-area communities their personal and business insurance needs. It’s no secret that clients can easily choose a Big Box Insurance Provider […]

Pets are the Real Winners of Stay at Home Life

We can all agree that there are some real winners of this COVID-19 quarantine, and that group is our fam of beloved furry friends who are enjoying their newly-found snuggle time with us. For anyone working remotely from home, you’ve probably already experienced a Zoom call with an overzealous barker or meower in the background, […]

Summer Dreaming: Travel Insurance for Future Travel Plans

It’s hard to imagine that someday, we’ll be able to take to the skies or the road again and spread our travel wings without the threat of spreading COVID-19 along the way, but we’re hoping the days are sooner rather than later, and it’s not too early to talk about travel insurance for those plans. […]

5 Things to Try with the Kids While Stuck At Home

It’s what we always imagined for ourselves – staying at home for days on end, in our PJs, watching all the Netflix possible and participating in meetings from the comfort of our living rooms, right? Those are definitely pluses, but there are a few “coworkers” we didn’t necessarily take into consideration when we were imagining […]

Mix Up Your Routine During COVID-19

Who’s tired of being stuck at home? We know for sure we are. COVID-19 has already put a huge damper on our normal routines. Our commute to work, our Starbucks run, our lunch with friends have all been dashed. We now have a new normal, so we think it’s an excellent time to try mixing […]

What to Do When You Get Home From Being Out

So, you made the official trek to the grocery store for necessities, or you’re an essential worker and made the commute to work amid the germs. Several San Antononians are finding themselves coming home after being in situations that can expose you to COVID-19 or other germs. Unfortunately, we can’t all sit cozy in our […]