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A Personal Guide to a Safe and Healthy Start of Fall

Pass the pumpkin bread, y’all, it’s Fall! San Antonio weather has been amazing, with temperatures dropping into the 40s, and even though temps have been climbing back up to the 90s throughout the day, we’re still pumped about breaking out our scarf collection a little early this year. Of course, with the excitement of cooler weather comes a need to prepare for another type of season: cold and flu season. We’ve got some tips to help keep you and your family healthy and safe through this beautiful autumn season.  

  1. Get Your Flu Shot – We know, we know. It hurts! But the little mosquito bite-sized sting is worth the trouble. The CDC recommends anyone 6 months and older to get a flu shot, especially those that are high risk of complications from getting the flu ( Put on your mask and make the trek to your general practitioner, or find out if you are eligible to get one at a flu shot clinic held at your local pharmacy. With the COVID-19 pandemic already in full swing, it’s even more important to take preventative measures this season. Get brave and roll up your sleeves!
  2. Take a Multivitamin – Make your momma proud and pop a multivitamin bright and early in the morning to help your immune system stabilize itself against incoming germs. The cooler air will start to dry your throat, causing potential inflammation and irritation, so prep early and build up those antibodies if you can.
  3. Wash Those Hands – You’re probably pretty good at this by now, but it’s worth mentioning again that it’s vital to wash, wash, wash your hands during this season. If you suffer from those Texas allergies like we do, you’re likely sneezing and coughing already, collecting spreadable germs right at your fingertips. Do yourself and your family a favor and wash up. Don’t forget to sing a 20-second long tune to help guide you. 
  4. Have Some Turkey – Turkey and stuffing season is among us, and we’re here for it. But don’t forget to portion your meals appropriately. Weight gain is common during the fall because of all the delicious food at your fingertips. With that weight gain can come other common problems, like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Skip the roll and butter if you can, and opt for some fresh green beans instead. Little healthy choices can go a long way this season. 
  5. Take a (Socially-Distanced) Walk – Taking some time to take a stroll to see the beautiful fall foliage is good for your physical exercise, and your mental state as well. The upcoming holidays might have you a bit stressed, and stress can cause your immune system to bail on you. Lace-up your tennis shoes and take a brisk walk in a park or on a trail. Take in the sights and recite things you’re thankful for this season. Don’t forget to bring a light jacket so you don’t catch a cold! 

For more tips, follow along with us on our blog and social media pages. We’ve got some pretty helpful information about all kinds of topics, including several types of insurance policies that can help you protect your greatest assets. Stay healthy and happy, and reach out to us if you need us to give some brain-power toward your insurance needs.

In case you missed it: “Why National Small Business Day Is a Big Deal” lines up the several types of insurance that small business owners can benefit from, from regular old types of business insurance, all the way to personal insurance that might have slipped your mind. We’re here to discuss, so give us a call.