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Employee Assistance Plans Make For Happy Employees

Texans are generally pretty happy-go-lucky people, gaining a reputation nationwide for being friendly folks, and that’s because we generally have a lot to be grateful for. Here, we value family, friendship, and the simple things in life, which makes us smile at any chance we can get. 

The city of San Antonio extends this notion even further, with family-friendly celebratory events like Fiesta and the San Antonio Rodeo. If you’re here, you’re family. But not everything can be sunshine and rainbows all the time, as we all personally know.

Mental Health in your employees is important

You’d be hard-pressed to find an employee or friend who hasn’t had a tough go at life in the past few years in one way or another. Sometimes life comes at us at 80MPH in some form of heartache or trouble, and cleanly separating work from the heart isn’t as easy to do as it sounds. 

The nicest, happiest-seeming people can be carrying a weight you’re not even aware of, simply because they’re able to put their “work” hat on and leave the emotions out of it, but the minute that person hops into their car at the end of the day, the weight of the world is back on their shoulders until tomorrow morning.

When a tough life event comes knocking on the door, it’s very difficult for some to even find the time or resources to deal with the issue, leaving them helpless and dealing with it during work hours. You might even see a spike in absences while the employee is struggling to deal with the emotions or paperwork of their specific problem. This can affect their emotional well-being, decreasing their productivity and morale. 

This is where employee assistance programs can come into play, and we’re here to help you sort out exactly what you and your team need. 

Employee Health Benefits go in hand with Employee Assistance Plans

Did you know employee assistance programs can reach into areas you and your HR team might not be totally prepared to navigate on your own? Marital problems, drug and alcohol abuse, and death of a close family member are only a few of the topics that can creep into the lives of your employees, but it doesn’t have to be a dead-end road. 

Securing an employee assistance program gives your people the ability to seek counseling services and take the weight off their shoulders and hand it over to qualified professionals who are trained to help handle these situations. A simple phone call can direct your employees to resources that reduce and mitigate issues, leaving your employee the option to focus once again on their job at hand. 

As a business owner, you can secure an employee assistance plan with added compensation and benefits that suits your company’s exact needs. Some plans offer referrals for help, while others offer direct treatment, so it’s important to discuss the difference with your SOGO agent. 

Understanding the legal differences between the two can save you some serious headaches down the road. At SOGO, we’re family, and we’re proud to offer policies that support your work family too. Take the load off your team and secure a plan today. 

In case you missed it: “Is Pet Insurance Worth It In Texas?” breaks down the potential risks you might face with having a beloved fur-friend in this great state. Besides looking out for rattlesnakes in the yard, you’re likely to run into some Texas-sized veterinary bills if you’re not covered properly. Call our agents to discuss your pet insurance options before your pet digs up some trouble.