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Keep Your Home Away From Home Safe with Short-Term Rental Insurance

As the world heals from the mayhem of COVID-19, you might notice that travel is picking up. Airport security lines are getting longer and roadways are getting more crowded with those making summertime road trips. People are using this increased travel time to make a little bit of extra cash by offering up their homes […]

Go Big or Go Home: Partying 101 and Special Event Insurance

We’ve all been cooped up for a year and a half because of COVID-19 rules and restrictions, and now we are in desperate need of a celebration. Now that vaccines are rolling out and becoming steadily available, more and more folks are planning their normal celebrations, and some larger special events to make up for […]

Liquor Liability Insurance 101

According to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, or TABC, there are three tiers of alcohol-related businesses in Texas – you’re either (or some type of combination of) a manufacturer, a distributor, or a retailer. Most businesses getting permits and licenses to legally operate are retail liquor stores and bars, selling alcohol to consumers directly from […]

CBD and Hemp Store Insurance

You would be hard-pressed to make a trip down a busy San Antonio street without seeing a CBD store amidst the shopping centers. You’ve most likely at least heard of CBD, but do you know what all the fuss is about? According to Harvard Health, cannabidiol, or more popularly known as “CBD,” is extracted from the […]

It Can Happen to You: Stay One Step Ahead of Hackers

If you haven’t heard of ransomware, the simplest way to describe it is when hackers gain access to your digital network via malware, then cut you off from access until you pay a ransom, hence the name. You basically have the option to pay the pirates, or to start from scratch on your entire network. […]

How to Prevent Donor Fatigue

Welcome to a new series on our SOGO Blog called “Straight from the Sales Director” where I’ll be popping in to share my unique perspective and experiences as a sales director that can benefit your business. As the leader of a sales department, I am well-aware of the pressures of meeting monetary business goals, while […]

New SA-Area Restaurants to Try This Spring

All this being cooped up inside has given us the itch to get out and experience San Antonio culinary life again. We don’t know about you, but we’re “fed up” with fast food and the same old grub we’ve been limited to from that one go-to place right around the corner. We’re ready for cool […]

Four Types of Business Insurance You Don’t Want to Forget About

You’re running a business, which means your to-do list never stops. It’s a more-than-tiring effort to make sure your employees are happy, keeping the lights on, and protecting your assets day after day. Luckily, you’ve got things under control, and you’ve got the best insurance company in San Antonio backing you up. We’re here to […]

Protecting Your Business with General Liability Insurance

If the random Texas Winter Storm didn’t remind you that literally, anything can happen at the drop of a hat, then let us remind you that at one point, we were lighting candles for heat and boiling our water to drink. Phew! Glad that’s over. We were all wishing we had just replaced those flashlight […]

Why National Small Business Week is a Big Deal

Tuesday, September 22nd marks the first day of Fall in 2020, and with all the health turmoil going on in the world, we’re here for pumpkin-spiced everything and the beginning of holiday cheer. As excited as we are about lattes and cooler weather, this week also signifies a very important week celebrating the nation’s smaller businesses during […]