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How Sure Are You About Surety Bonds?

As a small business owner, you likely deal with frustrating situations daily. One of those frustrating situations could have been when a hired consultant or company isn’t completing the work you agreed to at the beginning of the project. Hopefully, it means you have a simple conversation to voice that frustration to find a solution […]

Key Facts About Key Person Life Insurance

Now is when most businesses are crunching numbers and evaluating fourth-quarter metrics closely to determine how strong the year will finish out and how hard to push during the first-quarter kickoff. One area of planning, however, might need to be noticed during all the excitement and celebrations of holiday bonuses, performance review results, and end-of-year […]

What You Need to Know about D&O Insurance

If you’ve been keeping up with recent news, you might have seen or heard about several layoffs in the tech industry. As the Federal Reserve Bank continues to slow the economy to combat rising inflation, many experts believe that more businesses will continue to see job freezes and potentially more layoffs in the coming year. Unfortunately, layoffs […]

Cybersecurity Protection Is Not Just For October

Cybersecurity Awareness Month is over, but your concern regarding cyber attackers should continue. As a small business owner, you’re likely worried about everything from payroll to board meetings, but cybersecurity should always stay up. Hackers are sharpening their skills more and more as the years go on. According to the FBI’s Internet Crime report, the […]

Reflections During Breast Cancer Awareness Month

As you likely already know, October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM), and we’ve been reflecting on how this infamous disease has affected families over the years. So many unfortunate things can happen to a family, like job loss, a natural disaster ruining a home or a stolen vehicle from the driveway. But nothing […]

PEO Services: Crucial For Every Business

For many small or midsize businesses, clerical and administrative help can go a long way. PEO, or Professional Employer Organization, is just that type of help. These comprehensive packages can help your company grow by performing simple tasks that are vital to a business staying compliant with federal and state laws. For example, even a basic […]

Free HR Resources at Your Reach

As with every work position, there’s usually a “fun” side and a “not-so-fun” side of the job. For some, the not-so-fun side could be filing paperwork, managing a budget, or spending time in meetings that could have been an email. For HR professionals, the not-so-fun side includes dealing with issues that could cost the company […]

Insurance Market Trends: Stay Aware

Of all the industries affected by COVID-19, you might wonder how the insurance industry could be affected. How can a health crisis affect insurance types not related to health? Unfortunately, a domino effect has begun with people changing their old habits to new ones, and insurance premiums reflect those changes. In addition to the health […]

The Cons of Working From Home

Soft hoodies, comfy pants, endless snacks, and office space flexibility. These are a few advantages remote workers are enjoying as part of the recent work-from-home programs companies have rolled out. Some employees still benefit from these new programs, and managers appreciate the advantage of happy workers; however, it’s not all coffee and cozy blankets as […]

1099 vs. W2: Which One Is Right For Your Business?

Hiring employees at your small business is an exciting step towards growth and long-term financial success. It’s one of many signs of business health and is an excellent sign to investors that you’ve projected a sunny forecast from here on out. Aside from economic advantages, your work family is growing, creating a buzz in the […]