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Summer School Lesson 2: Risk Management

It’s time for SOGO Summer School Lesson 2, and this week, we’re discussing Risk Management. Successful business owners know that growth comes with power, and with power comes risk. It’s the nature of the beast, and you’ve got to be prepared for those corporate risks. Risk Management, by definition, is just that. At SOGO, our agents help you evaluate the risks your company is taking and creates a plan of action to help mitigate those risks.

With San Antonio being home to several accident-prone industries to work in, including manufacturing and construction, risk management is an obvious need, but what about other industries? The truth is that most businesses could use a risk management plan in some capacity. 

The benefits of having risk management coverage reach past the obvious advantages to creating and nurturing a safe and efficient business environment. Financially, it makes sense to prepare for risks so you don’t end up spending valuable resources on an explosive problem. In marketing terms, it helps create rapport with your clients and employees that must be earned but will be highly valued. 

From the Inside of Your Business, Looking Out

Your employees can either make or break your business, so it’s ultra-important for you to demonstrate the extra steps you’d take to protect them. Whether employees are handling dangerous equipment or materials, traveling on corporate business, or working in an older building with faults, they’ll appreciate the resources you delegate to risk management, ensuring their safety and protection. Let SOGO help you analyze your potential risks so we can get a plan of action in place for an exceptional work environment that more and more businesses are providing for their employees. 

From the Outside of Your Business, Looking In

Lenders love businesses that have a risk management plan in place because lowering the chances of any risks means less of a worry that business loans will be used to make up for lost efforts that easily could have been prevented. Your clients will appreciate your risk management plan as well, because the level of efficiency, productivity, and even positivity in your business will reflect outwards to them. Your clients want a healthy, preventative plan for your business as much as you do, so give them the confidence they’re seeking in your business. 

SOGO can help you analyze your potential risks, assist with employee communications, and even provide OSHA compliant tools including manuals, policies, and programs. Let us do the work for you, before a risk becomes a high risk, or worse, a disaster or lawsuit.

We’ve thrown a lot of new information at you, but summer school is serious business. We have agents who are the best in the business, who can talk you through all the details of making the right decision for your risk management needs. Contact our agents today, even if you’re already a SOGO business insurance policy-holder, because our agents AKA private tutors might catch something you’ve missed in your business insurance coverage.

In case you missed it: “Summer School Lesson 1: General Liability and Umbrella Insurance” if you need to see the notes from last week’s lesson of SOGO Summer School.