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Hurricane Season also means Flood Season

We’ve all seen those viral videos on Facebook of someone with a tired look on their face, rowing across their own front lawn in a kayak after a natural disaster strikes, evaluating the damage that surrounds their community. Contrary to popular local beliefs, these natural disasters don’t just hit southeastern states like Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. Sometimes, our Louisiana neighbors share their Gulf Coast hurricanes with the Lone Star State (bless their hearts!), and even cities like San Antonio can suffer the consequences of these tropical storms.

June 1st marked the official start to the Atlantic Hurricane Season, and unfortunately, it doesn’t end until November, meaning San Antonio homeowners have the next few months to prepare (or stress!) for the range of weather we’re bound to get. Since most insurance policies in the US begin 30 days after binding (purchase) for coverage to become active, now’s the time to contact us about flood insurance. If you wait until weather forecasters are already advising warnings, it might be too late, and your home and valuables are at risk.

You might still be wondering if adding a flood insurance policy in San Antonio is an “unnecessary” or “excessive” addition to a standard homeowners insurance policy, but remember that even city residents that don’t live in a high-risk flood zone have seen their fair share of hurricane season disasters. Submerged floors that become water-logged and dangerous, or damaged foundations that require complete reconstruction have haunted some homeowners right here in our own backyard. We may not live right on the coast, but Mother Nature has a funny way of reminding us that we’re not in charge, especially during hurricane season.

Most of us know someone who has been personally affected by a flood in their home, even if it was caused by the fritzy 15-year-old washing machine. Just imagining the stress and hassle of a flooding nightmare is too much to think about, and the last thing you’d want is to have to worry about coverage, on top of everything else you’ll have to deal with. At SOGO, we’re family, and we are here to help you protect your home and belongings from that exact nightmare. You can’t prevent a hurricane-based flood from happening, but you can get prepared and covered by our team of professionals who know how to guide you through the process of protecting yourself.

So before rolls of thunder begins to shake the walls of your home, contact us about flood insuranceSOGO also offers a multitude of “bad weather” backup plans, including mobile home insurance, and valuable possessions insurance that won’t let impending storms steal your joy. Whether you’re already a SOGO homeowners insurance or renter’s insurance policy-holder, we’re here to provide the extra coverage you need to be prepared for Texas hurricane watch season, and more. Let our team begin working on a stress-free solution that will help you sleep well to the sweet sounds of the mild thunderstorms to come.

In case you missed it: Do the Spurs a Favor: Throw a “Revenge on the Raptors” Party for Thursday’s game!