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Hiring New Employees 101: The Basics

Starting a business can be an exhilarating and fulfilling feat as you begin to turn your business dreams into a reality. We’ve got a few basics that will help get you started in the right direction, including one of the most exciting (and maybe a bit daunting) aspects: hiring talent. Of course, you already know you can’t just post a job offer and hire the first person who shows interest, but are you entirely prepared to act as CEO and HR Manager while following laws, etiquette, and general best practices? So let’s dive into the basics. 

  1. Brush Up on Basic Employment Law – The United States Department of Labor makes things easy for business owners to access and understand the most basic employment laws that stand as the backbone of your current hiring process. Since Texas is a “Right-to-Work” state, some people assume that employment laws are not pertinent. However, Texas businesses face litigation daily in response to unpaid wage claims, child labor laws, and discrimination. Therefore, it’s essential to gather information on wages, workplace safety, and EEOC law. The last thing you want to spend your startup business money on is expensive litigation, so do your research before stepping into any potentially dangerous territory. 
  2. Get Your Employee Handbook Together – We get that putting an employee handbook together might not be the most exciting part of the hiring process. Still, it’s essential to protect your new company and yourself from losing all your hard work. If you’re overwhelmed and don’t know where to start, gather templates and begin placing the information you believe is essential for your new employees. Be sure to include company policies, the employment laws you need to reiterate, and the contact information for someone who can help answer your employee’s questions, should they arise. If you don’t have the time to manage HR questions, remember that SOGO Insurance offers advice on potential PEO and HR Services tailored for your company. 
  3. Prepare Your Benefits Package – Prepare your benefits package while remembering the highly-competitive job market swirling outside your office building. Since the world changed after COVID-19 measures, employees are looking for even more benefits than just free breakroom coffee. As lovely as the Starbucks Blonde K-Cups are, your employees will be looking for employee benefits such as health insurance packages, disability coverage, and more. If you’re not sure what your new business can afford, call our agents to get free quotes on affordable packages that work for you. 
  4. Reach out to SOGO Insurance for Questions – Don’t forget that we’ve been in your shoes. We are a family-owned company who have been offering our expertise to the San Antonio area for over a decade. We know the stress and excitement of starting a business, and we can assist in your planning efforts to ensure your business is covered to the best extent possible. 

Hiring employees shows the growth and health of a company, and we share in your excitement for your growing business needs. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you stay organized and ahead of the game.