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Gain a Competitive Edge with Employee Benefits for your Business

We’re sure, as a business owner, that you find little ways to show your employees how grateful you are for them. You tell them, “We couldn’t do it without you,” or maybe you celebrate monthly birthdays with a sweet treat. It’s vitally important that you express your gratitude in some capacity, but we know of the ultimate way to show how invested you are in your employee’s health, wellness, and even happiness. Having a decent employee benefits package is definitely the way to start. It might be time for you to consider beefing up your employee benefits package that makes sense for your people and your corporate checkbook. 

Group Health Insurance

Of course, starting off with group health insurance is the perfect place to lay down a foundation that attracts well-qualified employees to your organization. Dental, vision, flexible spending accounts, short and long term disability, and long term care insurance are even more options to consider when planning for your employee benefits budget. Of course, when dealing with any genre of insurance, businesses are held to legal standards that can be confusing and overwhelming, so having backup help on the administrative side of things is key to avoiding fines, and even lawsuits. SOGO can help you secure the perfect plans for your growing business, and protect you from costly mistakes that small business owners can unintentionally make when curating a benefits package. 

Employee Assistance Plans

Small business owners can also benefit from securing an Employee Assistance Plan (also known as an EAP) to help staff cope with mental, emotional, and other related issues that can affect their daily performance. Of course, we’re dealing with coronavirus now, but unfortunate things happen all the time to our employees and their families, and they could use the help navigating through those tough times via support lines, counseling, and other support sessions. You might be surprised how many people will utilize and appreciate an outlet for a family-related problem that isn’t necessarily appropriate to discuss at work. Providing a small but important EAP for your staff can be hugely beneficial to both the employee and you as a supervisor. 

Payroll and HR Benefits

Maybe your small business is taking off at rocket speed, but you’re not quite ready to hire a full-blown HR department. No worries. SOGO can help you secure PEO Services, or Professional Employer Organization Services, which means outsourcing your HR needs, including compliance, payroll, benefits, workers’ comp, and more. How does this affect your employee benefits package? Well, you’re able to focus on the day-to-day needs of owning a small business, all while your employees can count on reliable information and services from real-life human resources professionals. You can avoid the frustrations of dealing with issues that are time-consuming and also high-risk. 

No matter how big or small you’d like to upgrade your employee benefits package, SOGO can help you secure the best packages that make both your employees and your accounting team smile. We’ve got multiple resources available to us, giving us the upper hand in finding you the perfect fit. 

With SOGO’s dedicated, Employee Benefits Advisor, Ronnie Herrera, he can take the hassle out of employee benefits and more for developing small to midsize businesses in the San Antonio area. 

In case you missed it: “Starting Up Your Food Truck Business is No Small Fry” overviews the liabilities that can come up when you decide to hit the road with your new food truck business. SOGO is ready to help keep the grills fired up by providing food truck insurance to some seriously fine foodies on the road, including two of our popular clients: Mobile Eatery SA and La Gloria Margarita Truck