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Flooding… It Can Happen to You

Flood insurance. Who needs it? If you’ve lived in South-Central Texas long enough, you’ll know that the weather can change at the drop of a cowboy hat. San Antonio rainstorms are no joke, and securing flood insurance coverage is the responsible thing to do. You might think your homeowner’s insurance covers flooding, but did you know that most homeowner’s policies do not cover any flood damage? You might think, “Well, I’m good since I’m not in a flood zone.” But, according to the San Antonio River Authority, we live in a region known as Flash Flood Alley. It stretches from Del Rio in southwest Texas, east to San Antonio, and follows the IH-35 corridor north through the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. “Heavy rainfall and drainage of this landscape, also known as the Balcones Escarpment, combine to make this part of Texas one of the most flood-prone regions in North America,” notes the website. So what does this mean for you? 

It is likely time to consider flood insurance for your assets. Flood insurance can protect your home, condo, or business from water damage, including damage caused by heavy rain, faulty drainage systems, low water crossings, and other construction run-offs. Some policies even cover water damage caused by melted snow. With the Texas Freeze, AKA SNOVID 2021, just added to our resume of life crises, you’ll know the chances of snow are not zero, even in our typically humid and hot climate. As much as you may feel safe from the storm, you know mother nature can find its way through our artificial barriers. 

Flood insurance can cover several items of expense, including the most expensive: structural damage to your home caused by a flood. It also covers damage to the personal property you have in your home, such as appliances, flooring (including hardwood and carpet), cabinets, electrical systems, plumbing structures, and heating and air units. We’re talking thousands of dollars worth of repairs and replacement costs combined between those items. While surviving a flood, do you want the added layer of the stress of knowing you’d have to replace or repair all of these items yourself? 

Flood insurance only covers some things. You’d need separate policies for additional living expenses and specific damaged property, including retaining walls, outdoor decks, and swimming pools. As with any insurance policy, it’s good to discuss your needs with our helpful insurance agents, as they can pinpoint what coverage best suits your individual needs. Let us help you plan for the future by securing coverage without emptying your wallet. SOGO Insurance prides itself on serving our clients with the best service while providing affordable insurance options to protect you and your family. Call us or visit our website to learn more about flood insurance and other helpful policies. 

In case you missed it: Check out “The Basics of Umbrella” to start the new year with the best coverage out there.