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Employee Appreciation Ideas for Every Budget

As a business owner, it’s normal to get caught up in metrics and production numbers on a daily basis, but you may be skipping an important step in keeping your employees feeling valued and appreciated. Studies show that making a small effort to show appreciation for your employees can go a long way without breaking the bank. According to a recent Gallup poll, “Acknowledging employees’ best work can be a low-cost endeavor — it can be as small as a personal note or a thank-you card, but the key is to know what makes it meaningful and memorable for the employee, and who is doing the recognizing.”

Idea: Write a Handwritten Thank You Note

Cost: Almost free (the stationery you have but never use + your invaluable words)

Maybe business ethics and management courses were more your things, but bust out the skills your English professor helped you polish and get to writing some nice thank you notes. Something as simple as a personal note from you can make an employee’s day, and can even be a career highlight for some. Acknowledge a professional skill or talent, and add a personal touch at the end with some sincere remarks about your gratitude to this particular employee. A little can go a long way! 

Idea: Have a Paleta Social

Cost: ~$5 per employee (fruit-based paletas and cream-based paletas)

It’s an ice cream social, San Antonio-style! Paletas are a sweet treat, and your employees will welcome the break from the monotony in the day. From plain ol’ coconut, to a chocolate-dipped sprinkled pop, there are tons of options and flavors that are sure to please even the toughest of crowds. Most paleta stores have a sugar-free or all-fruit option for those who are trying to make healthier choices. Everyone wins!

Idea: Healthy Snacks Delivered In Bulk

Cost: ~$20 per employee/month (unlimited bulk snacks + boosters)

More and more companies are trying to shift focus to healthier options for their employees but still rely on the dreaded snack machine to provide carb-loaded snacks and sugar-filled drinks. NatureBox Office is changing the game, offering healthy snacks (in bulk!) to offices around the country. Pick from granola, nut mixes, pretzels, dried fruit, quinoa bites, and even small cookies. Even better – you can get a free sample delivered to your office so your employees can vote on their favorites to order. What better way to feel important than to have your employer backing your healthy snacking habits? 

Idea: Departmental Retreat Day

Cost: A day of your employee’s time + production

Save this employee perk for once or twice a year, and be open to suggestions throughout the months of ideas for departmental outings. Plan an entire day for the whole department, including breakfast, visiting a San-Antonio attraction, sipping a few beverages, and eating delicious treats along the way. Think of it as a “staycation” for your employees, but right here in the beautiful city. Yes, it’s expensive to let a department getaway for the day, but the cost is worth it based on the ROI. Allowing a department team-building experience communicates to your team members that you have a vested interest in their work-life balance, and even mental health. 

Here at SOGO, we practice what we preach. Our agents and staff are all feeling the valued-employee love, so call us and we’ll happily sort out your insurance and wealth management needs. Being a business owner is stressful, but our expert team is excited to guide you through the decisions that matter most. Employee appreciation is one matter, but the absolute best way to show responsibility and care would be to put Risk Management policies in place and to minimize the risks all together for employees at the workplace. Protect your people, and in the long run, protect your business from having to deal with the stress of potential lawsuits or expensive health treatments if something were to happen. 

In case you missed it: “National Financial Awareness Day: 5 Ways to Improve Your Financial Wellness” will guide you through financial preparedness and financial wellness, whether you’re fresh out of school, or an established business owner.