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The Holidays are Here… Let’s Reflect!

‘Tis the season to be jolly or to reflect on all that has happened in the past year. Being reflective on one’s life is a healthy way to look back into the past and figure out how to approach the future in the best way possible. We’re here to help you organize your thoughts with […]

National Life Insurance Day

“Tick tock.” It’s not just the name of your favorite app to waste time on. It’s the sound of life passing you by. Most of us are so busy doing something, whether it’s owning a successful business, clocking in long hours at our full-time jobs, driving three different kiddos to three different schools, keeping track […]

Battling Disability with Long-Term Care Insurance

What is it we can’t avoid? Death and taxes, right? But before the finality of death comes the extra fun part – getting older. As the years fly by, we are blessed and cursed with changes in our bodies and overall health, but there’s an important and simple way to protect yourself financially from the […]

How to Meal Prep 101: A Beginners Guide

We’re a month into the new year, so health goals are hopefully still going strong, but if you’re like us, you may have already fallen off the wagon a bit. Meal prepping is pretty straightforward: just make some healthy meals ahead of time and package them into convenient little boxes, right? Well, just like with […]

A New Year means a New Healthy Life

Alright, friends. Tamale time is officially over! The new year is approaching and we plan to put the holiday snacks behind us. Goodbye cheesecake, goodbye peppermint bark, goodbye sugary alcoholic cocktails. We sure will miss you! Every year, hundreds of thousands of Americans make a commitment to start off the new year healthy. Gym membership […]

Life Insurance Awareness Month is Here

Do you hear that sound? It’s the sound of a reality check, brought to you by Life Insurance Awareness Month. We’re ringing a bell that most people want to block out because the thought of death or leaving a family behind can daunt some. Don’t worry- it’s not all doom and gloom. We’re here to take out […]

The Potential Struggles and Victories of Parenting in 2020

This Sunday, July 26th, marks “Parents’ Day” in the United States, created in 1994 by President Bill Clinton as “a mark of appreciation for the commitment of parents towards their children.” Like Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, it seems crazy that only one day of the year officially marks a celebration for the most integral people […]

You’re a Millennial — But You Still Need Life Insurance

We’re Millennials, and we’ve been made fun of for things like avocado toast and our Instagram posts for years now, but why are we catching such a bad rap? Perhaps it’s because those born between 1981 – 1996 have been skipping out on important #adulting, like planning for life insurance, and other policies.  The last […]

Life Insurance Awareness Month

Disasters and death are uncomfortable to talk about for most. It’s not a light, fun subject, and often creates uneasy feelings for those that are considering it while planning for life insurance, or any type of protection after disaster or death. SOGO recognizes this uncomfortable situation, but we assure you that our agents are very […]

Life Insurance and Millennials

It may be easy to think you don’t need life insurance when you are just starting your career and feeling relatively healthy, but it’s a very crucial step to set the foundation for financial security in middle-age. In fact, the best time to buy life insurance is when you are young and healthy because you’ll qualify for the best […]