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Crime Insurance - San Antonio, TX

Coverage that protects your business.

Crime insurance in San Antonio, TX

Every company, regardless of size, is a potential target for white collar crime. We’ll work with you to design insurance coverage that helps you minimize risk and protects your business and your assets from theft, fraud and forgery.

Understand Crime Insurance

In the middle of San Antonio, a young woman decided to take the risk to open up a bakery. She worked hard to build up her business and was proud of the reputation she built. However, the bakery was broken into one day, and many valuable items and products were stolen.

The young woman was devastated, but she knew she had taken out a crime insurance policy when she opened her business. This policy covered criminal activities like theft, fraud, embezzlement, forgery, and other possible crimes committed by employees or third parties. As a result, she recovered from this incident and continued business operations without substantial financial losses.

If you’re looking to insure your business with a crime insurance policy, at SOGO Insurance, we can assess the criminal risks your business faces and give you a premium that meets the specific needs of your business. Contact us today for a quote!

Let’s discuss your crime insurance.

One of our insurance advisors will reach out to you to review your information and present you with the appropriate crime insurance solution. There’s no obligation, just good-old-fashioned advice.

SOGO Insurance offers comprehensive crime insurance throughout San Antonio, TX,