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San Antonio Contractor Insurance

Your Trusted Partner in Protecting Your Construction Ventures

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What is Contractor Insurance?

Contractor construction or builders insurance is designed to shield your business from industry-specific risks. This coverage is essential for compliance and a critical safeguard for your business’s financial and operational stability.

General contractors in San Antonio may need to carry several types of business insurance, depending on the specifics of individual jobs. At SOGO Insurance, we understand the challenges you face, which is why we work tirelessly to provide you with coverage that’s both comprehensive and affordable. As an independent agency, we collaborate with multiple insurers to ensure you get exactly what you need, prioritizing your business’s interests above all else.

Who Needs Contractor Insurance in San Antonio?

workers compensation insurance for contractors

Why Choose SOGO?

At SOGO Insurance, we understand that each contractor has unique needs. Specializing in custom policies, we ensure comprehensive protection, simplifying coverage while keeping it affordable and effective.

Comprehensive Coverage Tailored For Your Profession

From commercial property damage and liability to workers’ compensation, SOGO Insurance offers tailored solutions that address every aspect of risk, customized to the scale and scope of your projects in San Antonio.

The Role of SOGO Insurance For San Antonio Contractors

As an independent agency, SOGO Insurance prioritizes finding the best coverage for you in San Antonio, not the insurers.

Find Out How Insurance Protects You

Protects your physical assets, from tools and equipment to your office space, ensuring that physical losses won’t threaten your business continuity.

Risk Factor: Your business property is susceptible to fire, theft, and natural disasters.

Solution: Our commercial property insurance protects not just your physical location in San Antonio but extends to your equipment, tools, and inventory.

Shields you from the financial fallout of accidents, injuries, or damages caused by your operations, safeguarding your reputation and financial health.

Risk Factor: Everyday operations could lead to lawsuits from accidents, injuries, or oversights.

Solution: This coverage is essential for any San Antonio contractor. It protects against claims for property damage, injuries, and other liabilities, even covering legal fees.

Ensures that if an employee is injured on the job, their medical expenses and lost wages are covered, which protects your business from potential lawsuits and provides peace of mind for your workforce. 

Risk Factor: Employee injuries or work-related illnesses are inevitable risks in construction.

Solution: As required by Texas law, this insurance covers medical fees and lost wages for injured employees, ensuring they receive the care needed without costing your business financially.

Compensates for damages your business operations might cause to someone else’s property.

Risk Factor: Daily operations can accidentally damage property, leading to expensive claims.

Solution: Essential for San Antonio contractors, this insurance covers the cost of repairing or replacing damaged property, keeping your business relations and finances intact.

Shields against claims of property damage or bodily injury caused by completed projects or products supplied.

Risk Factor: Issues may arise from completed work, potentially leading to injury or damage claims.

Solution: This coverage is crucial for contractors in San Antonio, ensuring that once a project is completed, any resultant problems don’t financially burden your business.

Covers the risk of lawsuits related to advertising, such as defamation, libel, or copyright infringement.

Risk Factor: Advertising campaigns can inadvertently lead to claims of copyright infringement or slander.

Solution: Protects your San Antonio business from the potentially devastating costs of litigation due to advertising activities.


Provides coverage for liabilities specifically assumed under contract.

Risk Factor: Contracts can expose businesses to additional liabilities, which may not be covered under standard policies.

Solution: Tailored for contractors in San Antonio, this insurance helps manage the risks associated with contractual obligations.

Covers damages and liability arising from vehicles used for business purposes.

Risk Factor: Accidents involving business vehicles can lead to significant financial liability.

Solution: Essential for contractors who use vehicles, ensuring that accidents don’t threaten your business operations or finances.

  • Provides coverage for liabilities specifically assumed under contract.
  • Risk Factor: Contracts can expose businesses to additional liabilities, which may not be covered under standard policies.
  • Solution: Tailored for contractors in San Antonio, this insurance helps manage the risks associated with contractual obligations.

Compensates for lost income and ongoing expenses if your business operations are disrupted.

Risk Factor: Unexpected events like fire or natural disasters could halt your business operations.

Solution: This insurance helps maintain financial stability during periods when they cannot operate normally.


Covers against claims of negligence or harm due to professional services or advice.

Risk Factor: Errors or omissions in professional services can lead to significant claims.

Solution: Particularly important for contractors providing design or consulting services, ensuring that professional errors don’t result in severe financial damage.

Use the yellow hot spots and explore how contractor insurance can help protect against common risks.
Commercial Property Coverage
Risk Factor

When a fire, theft, or another type of disaster strikes, your commercial property and everything within it can suffer a significant loss. This can have a detrimental effect on your business.


Commercial property insurance can help protect the property your business owns and leases, including things like equipment, inventory, furniture, and fixtures. Whether you own your building or lease your workspace, commercial property insurance can be purchased separately or can be combined with other necessary coverage to protect your business’ physical assets.

Note: Actual policies must be consulted for specific terms and conditions.

Hold Harmless / Additional Insureds
Risk Factor

If you are performing as a contractor on a construction project where other contractors and vendors are involved, you could be held liable for any damages or injuries caused by the other contractors or vendors, leaving you with costly legal fees and settlement costs. Your business needs to be protected against the risk of some other company, vendor or subcontractor causing damage to people or property of your mutual customer.


Consider having a contract in place with each entity that includes a hold harmless agreement in your favor. A hold harmless agreement provides that the entity will hold you harmless for any injuries or damage caused by their negligence. In addition, the contract should require that the entity list you as an additional insured on their policy. This may provide you with coverage under their policy for injuries or damage they cause if you are named in a lawsuit.

Note: Actual policies must be consulted for specific terms and conditions.

Business Auto Insurance
Risk Factor

As a contractor, you have many exposures associated with your business vehicles–owned or leased. With a fleet of cars, trucks, vans, or other types of vehicles used in the course of business, a single accident can potentially put your contractor business in financial jeopardy.


Business auto insurance provides coverage for vehicles owned or leased by a contractor and provides coverage for bodily injury, property damage, and other exposures, and could include comprehensive and collision coverage as well.

Note: Actual policies must be consulted for specific terms and conditions.

Contractors' Equipment Coverage
Risk Factor

You’re constantly moving your tools from one job site to another, exposing your contractor business to potential loss due to damage or theft. And without your specialized tools and equipment, your job site may come to a screeching halt.


As a contractor, you need contractors' equipment insurance - a policy specially designed to protect your tools and equipment on the move. The policy will cover equipment for a variety of losses, including fire, explosion, vandalism, theft, collision with other equipment or objects and overturning. Unlike standard commercial property insurance policies, contractors' equipment insurance often covers losses caused by floods and earthquakes.

Note: Actual policies must be consulted for specific terms and conditions.

Builders Risk and Installation Insurance
Risk Factor

A building under construction is not covered under a standard building insurance policy or a home insurance policy since it is not a complete structure. As a contractor, you may be responsible for unique loss exposures related to buildings under construction such as the theft of building materials and high valued equipment such as generators and compressors.


Builders risk and installation insurance provides coverage for homes or buildings while undergoing construction, until they are completed. The policy covers the contractors’ interest in materials at the job site before they are installed, construction materials in transit designated for the contractors' equipment insurance–a policy specially and the value of the property being constructed until it is completed.

Note: Actual policies must be consulted for specific terms and conditions.

Workers’ Compensation
Risk Factor

If one of your employees receives an injury or becomes ill due to a work-related occurrence, you are required by law to have the proper coverage in place.


Workers' compensation protects your employees should a job-related injury or sickness occur during the course of employment. This coverage is required by law and may vary by area, so be sure that you understand your obligations for all physical locations where your business operates in and all physical locations where you hire your employees.

Note: Actual policies must be consulted for specific terms and conditions.

Commercial General Liability Coverage
Risk Factor

As a contractor, your business may be susceptible to many risks, such as claims due to bodily injury, property damage, personal injury, and more. And, if you hire other contractors to perform work on your behalf, you can be held responsible for any damage they cause on the job.


Commercial general liability insurance is an absolute necessity for every contractor. This type of protection provides broad coverage for premises, operations, products, and claims to third parties or property when you are deemed responsible and liable. It will also pay to defend any covered lawsuit or action regardless of its merit.

Note: Actual policies must be consulted for specific terms and conditions.

Whether you’re a General Contractor or Sub, you need insurance that protects you against accidents, lawsuits and claims. A specialty contractor insurance policy is an easy way to cover multiple risks without having to settle for a one-size-fits-all policy that wastes money on coverage you don’t want or need.

Our Process: Simple and Personalized

Let SOGO Insurance help you secure the optimal contractor insurance for your business in San Antonio. Our team is dedicated to providing you with insurance and a partnership supporting your business’s growth and security.

Ready to Enhance Your Coverage?

Reach Out: Contact us to start a conversation about your insurance needs.

Custom Assessment: Share the specifics of your contractor business in San Antonio.

Compare Options: We present tailored options that best suit your requirements.

Secure Your Policy: Choose the coverage that best fits, and we handle the rest.

Contact SOGO Today!